Crazy Random Happenstance

Billy: So good... Hey, this is weird. I ordered one frozen yogurt and they gave me two. You don't happen to like frozen yogurt, do you?
Penny: I love it!
Billy: You're kidding? What a crazy random happenstance!
-Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Give Me Something Good

It’s been a very long time since I put any writing out there. Being swamped with work and moving and trying to get the new house in order. I sometimes forget how much it clears my mind and makes me feel better. I’ve been so sad and so stressed and so exhausted (we all have) I needed an outlet. I haven’t been able to read because I cannot get my brain to quiet. I haven’t been able to binge any shows because I can’t concentrate long enough to get invested. I cannot organize and clean because I am just not into it. I’m constantly checking my phone, but less for news and more for happiness and to check on everyone. I need smiles. I need laughter. I need heartwarming. I need hope. 

I am terrified for my sister in law and friends and family who have to face this head on every time they go into work. They are doing everything they can and some people are just not listening. I’m torn between being grateful to still be able to go to work and also being scared of going to work. Though it helps when I’m there with such wonderful people who are supporting each other through this madness. 

After a really nice night watching a movie with Jeff, I did the worst thing I could do (let’s be honest... I’ve been doing it every night) and checked my phone before going to bed. Reading all about the awful exchange between that horrible man and the governor. This isn’t about who’s being nice to who. This is literally about life or death. Thousands and thousands of people are dying and he is more concerned with who is giving him credit and who is praising him. I can’t handle it anymore. I can’t watch him anymore. I wish they would stop showing his “task force updates” because they are harmful and enraging and completely useless. He only likes to hear himself speak. Just shut up and help your people. That’s all you have to do. Have some god damn compassion and give the country some god damn reassurance. Fuck. 

Sorry but not really because I’m so sick of it. 

Ok. Enough with that. I need happy things to keep my head above water. 

None of us know what we are doing and we are all exhausted. I’m so angry  and i’m so tired and every single thing makes me cry (poor Jeff). I crave happy content. I crave creative content. I crave kind content. Anything that gives me even the smallest spark of hope; Give me it. 

Here are some things that have been helping me get through this nightmare in no particular order:

•Chef Michael Symon is doing a daily 5pm cooking class with ingredients from his pantry. He posts all the recipes and alternatives on his instagram so you can do the same with whatever you have in your pantry. 

•Jason Priestley and his wife have been posting what they’re making every night for dinner with the hashtag carbskillcovid, which I love. Because carbs. 

•Ben Folds is streaming a live concert tomorrow at 9am. I’m setting my alarm on a Sunday for this. 

•Brady smith (Tiffani Thiessen’s husband) is doing a daily 30 second drawing challenge on Instagram and taking requests from kids. It’s so cute. 

•Livonia has a weekly scavenger hunt for kids to look for hearts, helping hands, bears etc. in windows when out for walks every day. 

•Chalk art. Some of the chalk drawings being posted are seriously phenomenal. It makes me smile every time I see it 

•Going for walks with bryn and seeing how happy it makes her 

•When charley joins us for walks

•Watching movies/tv with Jeff 

•FaceTiming my parents 

•My tech leaders, Sarah and Eileen. I can’t say enough about them. Working their asses off (on days off too no less) in the middle of all this chaos and maintaining a calm and positive attitude through it all. If you ask me about them in person (6ft away of course) I’ll cry. I’m so grateful for them. I can’t say it enough. 

•Jeff’s manager, Sarah (and my friend) who has worked endlessly to keep her employees engaged, entertained and SANE during their off time. She is an inspiration 

•Harry Potter marathons

•Coffee. So much coffee being had. 

•My sunroom. Just a room with windows, but my god does it make me happy

•The late night hosts doing mini shows from their homes; Jimmy kimmel, Jimmy Fallon. It makes me so happy to see them trying to provide people with just the smallest amount of normalcy right now

•Cookies. I’ve always enjoyed making my cookies for other people but last night I made one batch for us and that made me happy 

•Giant cookie pans to bake my cookies. I bought some a few weeks ago and I love them so much

•Delivery services and Door Dash 

•Food network app (a lot of food things on this list, I know, but aren’t we all just eating all the time??) 

•Charleys teachers checking in with him online 

•Reeses peanut butter eggs

•Checking in with my brother and sister as much as I can. All of us are stressed in different ways but it’s so helpful to talk/text with them

•Checking in with former coworkers to see how they’re doing 

•MOD is offering free delivery all weekend 

•Coloring. It’s one of the only things that I can do to distract my brain. I’ve been printing off sheets online because my adult coloring books are still in boxes. I will take what I can get at this point

•Animal videos. Oh my god, the amount of dog and animal accounts I follow on Instagram and Twitter right now is ridiculous but it’s also super super great

What is helping you guys cope through this?? Let me know because what makes you happy might make me happy too. 

Movies jeff and I have watched so far: Yesterday (loved it and rewatched it the following day)

Knives Out (so good. So clever)

Once upon a time in Hollywood (Quentin Tarantino is a weirdo but it was entertaining)

Take a break from the news. Don’t listen to what the president is saying. Listen to the doctors and nurses. Listen to THE GOOD stories. Listen to the people in the thick of it and HELP THEM. Listen to the people who know what they are doing!! Donate if you can, volunteer if you can. Be nice to those grocery store workers and carry out places who are also risking their lives to give you those essentials every day. Whatever makes you happy, do that. 
Send some love to my sister in law, Rhonda, for working her ass off:

Thanks for putting up with my worries and my fears and my frustrations. As crazy as social media can be, I think we are all pretty damn thankful for it right now. 

Happy links:

Michael symon instagram:

Brady smith Instagram:

Jimmy Fallon:

Jimmy kimmel:

Detroit zoo live feeds:
Livonia weekly scavenger hunts:

Stay home. Stay safe. 

Give me something good. 

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